Do these exercises at home for a healthy spine

Back pain or spine pain is a  very common problem faced by middle-aged and elderly people nowadays. There can be many possible reasons behind this. Either excessive strain on the back muscles and bones due to workload, an injury sustained in a major accident or arthritis. In case of minor problems, simple exercises may help to reduce the pain and swelling but in case of chronic problems, a surgery might be required. The treatment for various spine related problems is available at the best spine surgery hospital in India. Thoracic spine surgery has attracted a lot of foreign patients as well, owing majorly to the very high success rates. You can find some of the best spine surgeons in India who excel in their field. Spine surgery orthopaedic in India has gained a lot of momentum in the recent past, however, even after undergoing a back surgery you might need to opt for a proper rehabilitation program to strengthen your spine in order to prevent the problem from returning back.

Physiotherapy is one of the best techniques to help patients suffering from pre or postoperative back pain. It also helps them to cope up with the changes in their body and strengthening the spine and back. Four of the most common exercises that can prove very effective in strengthening your back muscles are mentioned below.

Hip Crossover Stretch- This exercise helps to release any kind of strain from the piriformis muscle by allowing it to stretch gently. The piriformis muscle is located in the hip area and hence the exercise helps in reducing lower back pain. The exercise is performed in the following way.

  • Lie face up on the floor with your knees bent and about shoulder width apart.
  • Now cross your right ankle over your left knee.
  • Use your hands to slowly pull your right knee toward your left shoulder.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds. You should feel a stretch in your hips and buttocks.
  • Repeat the above three times on each side.

Abdominal Bracing- The exercise helps to contract the abdominal muscles which I turn help to stabilize the spine. The exercise is performed using the following steps.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift your left knee up to meet your left hand and push while providing resistance with your hand.
  • Hold this position for five seconds, then return to the resting position.
  • Repeat the above using your right leg and right hand.
  • Continue alternating from right to left for 20 reps total.

Bridge Exercise- it also aims at strengthening your back muscles and hamstrings and is done by following the below mentioned steps :

  • Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and shoulder-width apart.
  • Employ your back and buttock muscles to gently raise your hips while keeping your shoulders on the floor.
  • Hold this position for five seconds before returning to a resting position.
  • Repeat these steps for three sets of 10 reps each.

Alternative Squat- These are somewhat different from the usual squats performed by athletes and weightlifters. Avoid using barbells. Normal squats can help to strengthen your core thereby giving a support to your back and spine. This can be done through the following steps.

  • Sit on the edge of a proper-height chair or bed.
  • Cross your arms over your chest with your fingers touching your shoulders.
  • Squeeze your buttocks and push on the floor with your legs as you rise to a standing position, all the while keeping your back and neck in line.
  • Now slowly bring yourself back down to a sitting position, again using the muscles in your legs and buttocks.
  • Perform three sets comprised of 10 squats each.

What all cancers can be treated with stem cell transplant?

Best cancer treatment in India -

Cancer is basically a toxic lump of continuously growing abnormal cells in any part of the body. The hinder the growth of healthy cells and thus the body’s immune system is affected. Cancers originating in the blood are commonly treated by stem cell transplantation.

Stem cells in the bone marrow, blood and the lymphatic system are responsible for the production of blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). Due to some defect in the stem cells (mostly genetic), the production of the blood cells become irregular and thus it prevents the body to fight the diseases.

According to the cancer hospitals in India, the three main types of blood-related cancers that require stem cell transplant are:

  • Leukaemia – the cancer of the blood and bone marrow.
  • Lymphoma – the cancer of the lymphatic system.
  • Myeloma – a blood cancer that targets the plasma cells.

Leukaemia is a cancer of white blood cells. In this case, the body produces white blood cells more than the red blood cells which make the oxygen level drop in the body. Leukaemia can be acute or chronic. Where acute leukaemia spreads very fast and is a little difficult to cure, chronic leukaemia spreads slowly but can turn deadly if not treated in time.

Some of the best oncology hospitals in India reported that other than blood cancer, stem cells transplantation can be used to treat the following-

  • Bone marrow diseases: Amegakaryocytosis/congenital thrombocytopenia, Fanconi anaemia, Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), Pure red cell aplasia, Severe aplastic anaemia.
  • Familial erythrophagocythiclymphohistiocytosis and other histiocytic disorders.
  • Hemoglobinopathies: Beta Thalassemia Major and Sickle Cell Disease.
  • Inherited Immune System Disorders: Severe combined immunodeficiency and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.
  • Inherited Metabolic Disorders: Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), Hurler Syndrome (MPS-IH), Krabbe Disease (GLD), and Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD).

In stem cell transplantation, the patient’s defective bone marrow is extracted from his or her body and new healthy stem cells are transplanted in its place. The stem cells can be obtained from two sources: from a donor or from the patient itself. When the stem cells are obtained from a donor, the patient and the donor has to go through several tests to determine if they are suitable for each other. This procedure can take time and the patient has the risk of his/her body not accepting the new cells. Whereas, if the stem cells are obtained by the patient itself, the procedure is much faster and the patient doesn’t have to worry about his or her body not accepting the new cells. The top cancer hospitals in India try to obtain the stem cells through the patient itself.

The cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy tend to destroy the multiplying cells and therefore it is not possible to extract those stem cells. This is why the doctors perform a minor surgery where they extract the stem cells from the patient’s blood or bone marrow. One of the stem cells are extracted, they are stored in a container at extremely low temperatures.

After this, the patient is put on chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy destroys all the cancerous cells and stops the production of new defective cells. Once the doctors are certain that all the defective cells have been destroyed, they perform a stem cell transplant surgery. Sometimes, the doctor performs radiation therapy even after the surgery to reduce the pain and make sure that no defective cells are left behind.

The radiation oncology in India is performed using high technology machinery and highly experienced doctors and a team of technicians. They make sure that the procedure takes place without a hitch and the patient doesn’t face any serious complications.

How to take care of a child who is on dialysis for a kidney?

Kidney problems can affect people of any age group be it, children and adults. Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that are located on either side of the lower back. They are a part of the excretory system and help to get rid of various unwanted toxins present in our body. Kidneys also regulate a number of metabolic activities which are vital for our survival. As per the best kidney transplant specialists in India, it is not only the adults who suffer from various kidney problems but small children are vulnerable to such problems equally. The best kidney transplant surgeons in India lay stress on the role of parents in taking care of the child suffering from chronic renal ailments, especially those undergoing dialysis. We know that it is the duty of the parents to watch out for their child’s proper health and well-being. The major problem arises when the parents are not able to determine the various symptoms. In order to help your child, it is very important to gather necessary information about the various diseases that can affect your child and get a note of their symptoms.

Just like other major problems renal problems can also be genetic or congenital. Congenital renal diseases are usually detected at the time of birth but genetic renal diseases may start showing their traces within some years. If you or your partner, have a family history of renal problems, it is possible that your child might develop the same and hence falls under the risk category. In such cases, it is better to consult the best kidney doctor in India who will examine your child very carefully and suggest a proper medical protocol to be undertaken. Dialysis is one of the best options to help children suffering from chronic renal ailments. However, the procedure can be very stressful for your child and as such you have to take a lot of things into consideration which includes frequent mood swings as well. One of the leading hospitals for the best kidney treatment in India has special dialysis machines and equipment specially designed for children. The doctors aim at providing a very friendly environment for your child.

It is very important for the parents to educate the children about their health condition and make them familiar with the routine they are going to follow. A lot of changes are to be made in the child diet as well. It might seem a bit difficult at first but with proper guidance and encouragement, you can encourage your child to adapt to these changes. After the dialysis, your child might experience mild pain, nausea and headache. You ought to prepare him for all of these beforehand. We know that no parent wants to see his child in pain but there may be times when you have to witness your child in slight pain or discomfort. Your child might start getting acne accompanied by weight gain and difficulty in sleeping.

Try to be supportive and create a very positive and stress-free environment at home. You can also contact support groups to help your child in coping up with the disease and its treatment. Any change in the child’s health should be immediately brought under medical attention. The whole procedure can be really stressful for the parents as well and as such, they can themselves enrolled in certain programs to help them release all the stress.

What are the benefits of neuroendoscopy?

Neuroendoscopy Surgery in India- BLK Hospital Uganda

Neuroendoscopy is a surgical procedure that uses minimally invasive techniques to treat a person. The top neurosurgery hospitals in India have turned to this more advanced technique due to it advantages like lesser pain, faster recovery and minimal scarring. Moreover, neuroendoscopy helps the surgeon to access those parts of the brain that are inaccessible through traditional methods of surgeries.

Today, neuroendoscopy in India is mostly used to treat different types of tumors due to its ability to reach remote areas of the brain. The most common tumors treated through neuroendoscopy are pineal region tumor, pituitary tumors, Rathke’s cleft cysts, skull based tumors and ventricular tumors.

The neuroendoscopy procedure is performed through a small telescope like device called an endoscope. This endoscope has a high resolution camera that gives the doctor a clear image of the inside of the skull through which the surgeons performs the complete procedure of removing the tumor. For the removal of the tumor (or of the surgeon wants to take a sample of the tumor) the surgeon attaches an additional device to the camera with scissors and forceps at its ends.

In the past decade, neuroendoscopy has advanced to treat problems associated with the spine. Neuro-Spine Surgery in India is used to treat both intra and extradural spinal diseases. The neuroendoscopy techniques have advanced to many other surgeries like thoracoscopic sympathectomy, discectomies, lumbar laminotomies, anterior approaches for spinal reconstruction, and resection of tumors and cysts.

The best hospitals for neurosurgery in India are leaning more and more towards these new methods because it has shown better results than the normal traditional methods and it becomes very easy for the patient to recover from the surgery.

The neuroendoscopy is performed through one or a few small incisions through which the surgeon inserts the tiny machine with the complete devices. The whole procedure takes a few hours depending on the type, size and place of the cyst or tumor that is supposed to be treated.

Before the surgery, the patient is taken through the same diagnostic process as done in the traditional forms of surgeries. The doctor will go through the patient’s medical history and perform a complete test of the patient’s general health. Besides this, some additional tests are performed depending on the medical condition that is to be treated.

Once the surgery is completed, the patient is moved to a recover room where the doctors and their team of experienced technicians keep a check on the patient’s vitals to make sure that the patient is recovering without any complications. Usually, the patient is kept in the hospital for 3 to 5 days before he or she is discharged.

At home, the patient’s family is asked to make a few changes to make living more susceptible for the patient. Here, they are trained to look for any unusual signs and report to the doctor as soon as they notice anything unusual. Depending on the surgery, the patient may be assigned a physical therapist to help him regain movements in the operated area and loosen the stiff muscles.

The neurosurgeons claim that neuroendoscopy has a wide scope and a very bright future is taken into consideration and if we keep researching on the subject. Many of the top neurosurgery hospitals have shifted to neuroendoscopy for most of the procedures and they tend to keep improving and make neuroendoscopy a main stream treatment method, looking at its benefits.

Throughout the years, neuroendoscopy has helped numerous of patients regain a healthy lifestyle and it continues to do so with the latest technology and high precision methods.

When is there need of surgery in sports injury treatment

Sports Injury treatment in India - BLK Hospital Uganda

The ability of joint to do their work is tested while playing sports. It involves physical activity that is done by the full use of joints. The main function of joints is to help in the movement of the body. The way how we move the body and the different angles exerted is also looked by it. Joint is a part of musculoskeletal system. For sportspeople, it is of vital importance to keep their musculoskeletal system in perfect condition. But there are some conditions which hampers its function. The most common is sports injury. If you are suffering from sports injury, then contact BLK at once. It will give you the best sports injury treatment in India.

Sports injuries, as implied by the name, occurs when playing rigorous sports or doing heavy exercise. There are different injuries. Sports injury treatment specialists in India are needed for the following injuries. Some of the common ones are explained below –

  • Muscle strain – It is also known as muscle pull. It occurs when the muscle overstretches and tears. Muscles of quadriceps, calves, hamstring, groin, low back, shoulder etc are commonly affected. It is identified by pain, swelling and inability to use the muscles.
  • Torn ACL – ACL is the part which holds the knee joint together and provides stability. It occurs when there is landing of the foot in the wrong way or there is direct blow to the knee. There may be a pop sound and knee longer functions at all.
  • Torn MCL – MCL connects femur to the tibia. The injury occurs when the knee joint is pushed sideways during a wrong move. There is pain, swelling and instability of the joint. In severe cases, there is need of surgery.
  • Stress fracture – It is caused when there is overuse of any body part. Muscles are not able to put up with the physical activity and absorb the pressure. Lower legs and feet are two areas where majority of stress fractures occur.
  • Runner’s knee – It is the name given to patellofemoral pain syndrome in which tendons, joint lining and soft tissues of the knee become irritated. Along with pain, it can be identified with popping and cracking of the knee.

Some of the causes are as follows –

  • In case of previous injuries, the risk increases.
  • Overtraining leading to stress and workload.
  • Change in the surface of the playground.
  • Poor equipment quality.
  • Lack of proper diet and nutrition.
  • Wrong way of performing exercise.

There are various different conservative procedures to treat sports injuries. But when they don’t help, there is need of surgery. One of the most common procedures is knee replacement surgery in India. It is a surgical procedure in which the diseased weight bearing surface of the knee are removed and replaced with the help of artificial materials. It is suggested to patients who have severe destruction of the knee joint and suffer from progressive pain as well as impaired function. There are various tests performed which determine if you are a candidate or not.

Physical examination is done to see the motion, stability, strength and overall leg alignment. To check the condition of bone and soft tissues, MRI and X-rays are done. This procedure begins by administering general anesthesia. You will not be conscious during the procedure. All the surfaces of the joint will be exposed and incisions of about 6-10 inches are made to cut away the damaged joint surfaces. Artificial joint is then added and incisions are closed. This procedure lasts for over two hours. After the surgery, you will be shifted to recovery room where you have to stay for a couple of days.